Migrant Voices in the Spotlight

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Migrant perspectives are often neglected in the public debate. Despite the significant voluntary commitment of migrant self-organizations (MSOs), their issues are often not mentioned in news coverage. Instead, migrants are often portrayed in a problematizing way, while their active contributions are undermined. That's why we're launching our Spotlight project - with the aim of improving the media visibility and representation of MSOs. The aim of our project is to promote organizations of people from marginalized groups in their public performance.

Our Workshops

We offer one-day online workshops that support MSOs in dealing with the media and public proactively, confidently and professionally. We rely on media experts and trainers with a migration history from our large network. The workshops are free of charge and held in German.

  • Public relations. All the basics.
  • Texting. In the writing workshop.
  • Social media. Getting started.
  • Message Building. Statements in a nutshell.
  • Wording. Communicate sensitively to discrimination.


Currently available workshops:

Social Media. Zum Loslegen. Tuesday, 01.04.2025 with Katja Musafiri

Wording. Diskriminierungssensible Sprache. Wednesday, 02.04.2025 with Milena Jovanovic

Wording. Diskriminierungssensible Sprache. Thursday, 03.04.2025 with Milena Jovanovic

Social Media. Zum Loslegen. Tuesday, 08.04.2025 with Katja Musafiri


Register here


Weitere Trainings werden wir demnächst ankündigen.




Spotlight: Erfolgreiche Medienarbeit für migrantische NGOs, Initiativen und Vereine

Project duration

01.11.2024 - 31.12.2025

Funded by
Co-funded by